Sponge Cliona finds its natural environment on the sea-bed stones. It colonizes them, digs into them and turns them into crumbly structures whose texture is similar to that of a biscuit.
What remains of the solid and compact stone are fine membranes separating globular alveoli connected tiny holes. The origin of limestone can be traced back to soft sea sediments formed by shells and remains of ancient animals, which geological ages have transformed into rocks, then risen to form cliffs or mountain tops.
To observe these things artistically, aesthetically or practically only, is necessarily a restrictive operation which prevents us from perceiving their physical reality.
It is necessary to get rid of one’s own vanity and presumption, to abandon the anthropocentric vision of the nature as well as the intention to submit nature to one’s own wills and necessities; only thus it will be possible to understand the order, place and role of things, for human beings belong to this very same order.